Tuesday, July 17, 2012


                                     Altair                                                                    Malik

Monday, July 2, 2012

Doubleleaf appreciation post!

*This post is for the fabulous Doubleleaf on Deviant art.com  :icondoubleleaf: http://doubleleaf.deviantart.com/*

She is so awesome, I love all of her art with a passion. Her Assassin Creed art is ground breaking! It's so detailed and really entertaining and amazing. I've looked through all of her gallery and it just makes me want to cry of the awesomeness. The last post I made on here was a picture of Leo by Doubleleaf. 

She's amazing go check her out now! ^*Deviant art link up there*^

Here is some of her art (I take NO credit for these masterpieces)

     All credit goes to doubleleaft once again!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

So true :)

I didn't draw Leonardo, THANK YOU doubleleaf on deviantart! :)

This is so true, I put the caption there.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Francisco Randez

                 Francisco Randez                                       Francisco Randez as a Sim

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'm back for now!

Hi! Long time no see but I'm trying to upload more pictures of sims 3 on here. It will be anime/gaming sims. I hope my computer can continue to run The Sims 3 so I can upload pictures on my deviant art (MissxMello) and on this blog! 

Here is a picture of Altair Ibn La Ahad from Assassin's Creed.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


My really important journal article, copy and pasted off of my deviant art account

I just want to apologize really quick, I'm so sorry for doing this but..I have to uninstall sims 3 for good. If I don't my computer is going to crash or explode (yes I'm being serious) anytime soon. It's lagging my whole system and won't even let me open my volume mixer or two tabs in google chrome. I still have older pictures from sims and might upload them once in a while, I'm going to be on deviant art uploading more stuff so don't panic, its just not going to be all sim related. My blog will have sim pictures but I might do something a little different with it too. It's still was fun and I'm still going to have lots of fun with deviant art and blogger.
Thank you guys for watching and favoriting all of my sim art! I :heart: you guys for that! You made me so much more popular!! :love: 


©2012 ~missxmello

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Never update your game.

I updated my game last weekend and boy was that a bad idea! Now I had to save my old sims 3 files and reinstall my game. It's a nightmare but the update screwed everything up. It might be awhile until I get new art up. Sorry :( 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2 in 1

PEW DIE PIE. The hilarious gamer!
Don't know who he is?

Reno's got a girlfriend?! :O
Please excuse me for not uploading in ages.SOWEE

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chell :)

"Omg the cake isn't a lie!? Omg I killed her for nothing!??"

She's from the best game ever (besides sims) Portal made by Valve!

and yes...that IS Kairi in the bg.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Roxas is upset

This is my old roxas, hes kind of ugly so give me a break please.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Shion Sonozaki

Shion Sonozaki, its kinda "failish" because I don't have a good school girl uniform yet for her.
Stay tuned for more Higurashi sims on Friday & Saturday

Friday, February 3, 2012

Rikku and Yuna

Riku and Yuna party rocking :)
Yeah Rikku's outfit is kinda a fail but hey, that's the best I can do right now :D

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blogging Schedules

Every Monday, Friday, and Saturday pictures and videos will be uploaded.

This is a permanent schedule for now if I don't upload anything on these days it means I either have tons of homework or dance class.

Please be patient if I don't upload.

Here's a video for you guys.

Its Rude dancing to kid music, I know it's wonderful.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Kairi, Sora, Riku and Namine swimming. You can't see them all that well but yeah they're in there somewhere.
Sorry there isn't anysound. I had to reset my game and it jacked it up :(

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sim Collage thingy

Some of my sims in this clip
Cloud Strife
Aeris Gainborough

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cloud Strife

Real Cloud  :(

Sim Version :)


These are some of my accounts from my blog,
deviantart: MissxMello http://missxmello.deviantart.com/
youtube: iluvdemyx999 http.//youtube.com/iluvdemyx999 (account not visible)
gmail: sydney.jackson98@gmail.com

Please follow me if you can!