Wednesday, March 14, 2012


My really important journal article, copy and pasted off of my deviant art account

I just want to apologize really quick, I'm so sorry for doing this but..I have to uninstall sims 3 for good. If I don't my computer is going to crash or explode (yes I'm being serious) anytime soon. It's lagging my whole system and won't even let me open my volume mixer or two tabs in google chrome. I still have older pictures from sims and might upload them once in a while, I'm going to be on deviant art uploading more stuff so don't panic, its just not going to be all sim related. My blog will have sim pictures but I might do something a little different with it too. It's still was fun and I'm still going to have lots of fun with deviant art and blogger.
Thank you guys for watching and favoriting all of my sim art! I :heart: you guys for that! You made me so much more popular!! :love: 


©2012 ~missxmello

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Never update your game.

I updated my game last weekend and boy was that a bad idea! Now I had to save my old sims 3 files and reinstall my game. It's a nightmare but the update screwed everything up. It might be awhile until I get new art up. Sorry :( 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2 in 1

PEW DIE PIE. The hilarious gamer!
Don't know who he is?

Reno's got a girlfriend?! :O
Please excuse me for not uploading in ages.SOWEE